
Here are some of the projects that we are currently working on. We’re always looking for collaborators on new and current projects. Feel free to reach out if you want to work together on something.

Final Fantasy inComplete An ongoing stream project from 2020, rabbit set out to challenge the first ten mainline Final Fantasy games. When she announced this, someone asked if she was going to 100% finish each game, to which our collective answer was a resounding “No.” Since starting this project, the scope has expanded, and you can read about that entire saga here.

Backlog Report To say we own more than a few games would be putting it lightly. Our collection has continued growing over the years, and so we use The Backloggery to organize that collection. And while we do stream quite a bit, we try to play some games on our own if qw don’t think they would stream well. So while qw get through my backlog of games (both online and offline), qw plan on writing reviews for the games that stand out. Join us as we do battle with the minions of Bak’laag! Bak'laag

An inComplete History of Hyrule Sorcha and the Dumplings are playing through the official Zelda Timeline (with some minor edits for clarity). Do you want to name a Link on the Timeline? You can donate a cup of tea over at our Ko-Fi Page. Pick your favorite Zelda title and suggest a name in your donation comment!

Final Battle A gunslinger with a demon in his pocket, a psychic elf clad in cybernetic armor, a pyromancer still in high schooler, and a space baker from parts unknown walk into a pub. Their goal is to get the latest gossip and earn some money: this is Final Battle. A universal system to allow characters from greatly different settings and universes to come together. Final Battle is by far the largest RPG project we have worked on.