
This blog was written using Visual Studio Code, and is compiled with the help of jekyll. The layout is a modified version of Minimalist by Marc Weitz. The color scheme is currently based on the voidlingBento design documents and features the colors Crow, Black Cat and Snowshoe Hare. The typography features a courier-style font called Special Elite, which is available through Google Fonts under the Open Fonts Licence, as well as some light use of [Font Awesome][awesome] glyphs.


the BentoBlog is part of voidlings(dot)us. All content of voidlings(dot)us—unless specifically noted—is Copyright (c) 2020-present Sabrina Carroll/voidlingBento.

BentoBrand, created with IcoMoon, Copyright (c) 2024 Sabrina Carroll.
Jekyll, Copyright (c) 2008-present Tom Preston-Werner and Jekyll contributors.
Minimalist, Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Michael Rose and contributors.